Disability Aids Don’t Always Look Like Disability Aids

Disability aids don’t just include those items that are registered as disability aids (easy grip cutlery / utensils, shower chairs,  text to speech software, ear defenders, etc.) but can also include a whole range of things that help to support a disabled person to live a more accessible life. This list is just a fewContinue reading “Disability Aids Don’t Always Look Like Disability Aids”

Veganism is NOT Accessible to All

Veganuary is here again, which means we will have the inevitable influx of some extreme vegans forcing their diets onto others, and shaming those who do not follow the same vegan lifestyle. Veganism is not accessible or healthy for everyone. Everyone has different dietry requirements so one persons healthy diet may look completely different toContinue reading “Veganism is NOT Accessible to All”

Firework Etiquette

As it’s coming up to Bonfire Night in the UK, let’s talk about Fireworks! Many of us love to celebrate Bonfire Night with hot cider, sparklers, toffee apples and of course, the firework display. But for many, fireworks can be a trigger: frm those with PTSD and mental health difficulties, to those with light orContinue reading “Firework Etiquette”

Disabilities Are Not Halloween Costumes

Every year at halloween, we see an influx in ableism as people choose to dress up to present a particular difficulty, or assume that our disabilities are part of a costume. Halloween (particularly in the UK) is a family friendly occassion that appeals a lot to children; no child should be surrounded by people portrayingContinue reading “Disabilities Are Not Halloween Costumes”

Actually, It IS Okay To Give Up

“Don’t let your disability stop you” This quote, or words to the same effect, is something I see far too often and it’s ableist BS (excuse my language). We’re too often told that we shouldn’t let our disability stop us, but why shouldn’t we? Why should we ‘push through’ something that will cause us horrificContinue reading “Actually, It IS Okay To Give Up”

Flash Warnings Save Lives

I’ve been trying to think of a caption to emphasise this point but honestly I feel like “Flash Warnings Save Lives” is enough. Here’s a little bit more detail, if you’re interested.Flash Warnings are not just there to protect those with epilepsy! Flashing lights mainly affect those with seizure disorders (including non-epileptic attacks), but canContinue reading “Flash Warnings Save Lives”

Attendance Awards Are Ableist

Awarding full-time attendance, particularly in schools, teaches children from a young age that academic success is far more important than health, be that physical or mental. This is a dangerous lesson to teach as children will learn to dismiss their symptoms instead of getting the support they need. Rewarding those with 100% attendance punishes thoseContinue reading “Attendance Awards Are Ableist”

Friendship and Disability

Friendships & Relationhips with a Disability are Complicated. And it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I recently commented on a Twitter thread about a friend and participated in an anonymous Instgram story about dating, both of which I shared stories of my expereinces that I felt were pretty typical for disabled people.Continue reading “Friendship and Disability”

Sensory Triggers

Some of my chronic illnesses make me particularly sensitive to a lot of stimuli, and because of this I have to make a lot of adjustments in my home/environment/life in order to make things work for me in the least painful and triggering way. For me, this looks like having complete control over the lighting,Continue reading “Sensory Triggers”

Self-Care is Going At Your Own Pace

There’s a great quote about following your own timeline that I like to remind myself of at times when this feels difficult. Comparing yourself to others doesn’t benefit anyone, and rushing or pushing yourself too far does not benefit you. From an early point in life, we are given a map of our lives thatContinue reading “Self-Care is Going At Your Own Pace”

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