“I’m a Grenade” – The Challenges of Being The Chronically Ill Loved One

We’re told all the time that it’s hard to have a loved one who’s chronically ill and how difficult it is on them mentally, but there are not enough conversations around what it feels like to be the chronically ill person in that situation. Having a loved one go through illness is extremely difficult, andContinue reading ““I’m a Grenade” – The Challenges of Being The Chronically Ill Loved One”

Actually, It IS Okay To Give Up

“Don’t let your disability stop you” This quote, or words to the same effect, is something I see far too often and it’s ableist BS (excuse my language). We’re too often told that we shouldn’t let our disability stop us, but why shouldn’t we? Why should we ‘push through’ something that will cause us horrificContinue reading “Actually, It IS Okay To Give Up”

Self-Care is Saying “No”

Sometimes saying no to demands is saying yes to your body. Your physical and mental wellbeing should always come as a priority to anything or anyone else. This may seem selfish but you cannot offer the best of yourself if you’re not looking after yourself. If you know something is going to make your healthContinue reading “Self-Care is Saying “No””

Creating a Sensory Safe Space – A Step by Step Guide

A ‘Sensory Safe Space’ is a space, usually your bedroom or a private space in your home, where you can feel completely comfortable, with as many of your triggers minimised as possible. This is so important for everyone, as we can all feel overwhelmed at times. However, for those with disabilities that are impacted byContinue reading “Creating a Sensory Safe Space – A Step by Step Guide”

Surviving Being Bedbound – Top Tips for Chronic Illness

I have now been bed-bound for over 8 months, and when I say bed-bound I mean the only times I have left my bed are to use the bathroom, to go to hospital, and the few minutes where my mum changes the bed linen. As a chronically ill and disabled person, this is something I’veContinue reading “Surviving Being Bedbound – Top Tips for Chronic Illness”

University & Disability

To all the young people with chronic illnesses and disabilities, considering university If you’ve been sat in classes at school, sixth form or college and been told that going to university as soon as you leave is your only chance at success, this is for you. I’ve been exactly where you are. This is MyContinue reading “University & Disability”

Why we need Disability Pride Month

Content Warning – this blog has a collection of statistics about the inequalities disabled people face, including abuse, financial and housing situations and ableism. Brain Fog or Limited Time? Scroll to the bottom or click here for some infographics summarising Disability Pride Month and 5 reasons we need it. Bonus information also on these! HappyContinue reading “Why we need Disability Pride Month”

What I Wish Others Knew About Being Undiagnosed

A diagnosis doesn’t make a person disabled. Some live with undiagnosed conditions for months, years, decades, sometimes even lifetimes. This doesn’t mean their disabilities affect them any less than those with a name. Being undiagnosed is scary, and it’s hard work navigating the conversations that come along with it. Although all illnesses, diagnosed or not,Continue reading “What I Wish Others Knew About Being Undiagnosed”

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